SL Engineers has a set of policies that defines the way we do business. All directors, employees, business partners or service provides are expected to comply with them and do the right thing.
Code of Conduct
This is the basic principles for how we do business and behave within our work environment.
Click here to download the policy
Corporate Governance
The directors, management and staff shall commit to SL Engineers’ good corporate governance principles. SL Engineers’ corporate governance embraces the following six principles:
- Ethical behaviour
- Accountability,
- Responsibility,
- Equitable Treatment,
- Transparency, and
- Vision to Create Long-Term Value
Click here to download the policy
Integrity Management
At SL Engineers we care strongly about integrity, our name and reputation. Our reputation is our core asset. This is why we have developed our Integrity Management Policy .
The Company’s ethical principles are loyalty, respect for people, transparency and business integrity. All employees, partners and subcontractors are to adhere to the principles and the Company requires Managers to lead by example in this effort.
Click here to download the policy
Safety, Health, and Environment
At SL Engineers we believe that everyone should go back home safely and healthy, at the end of each day to enjoy family and friends. Following our Safety, Health and Environmental Policy by our Employee and Contractor is non-negotiable, it is mandatory. The core of the policy is about
- eliminating incidents,
- minimising risk,
- responsibly managing environmental impacts and
- enabling excellence in operations and business performance while providing a workplace that takes into account the safety and wellbeing of our people and service providers.
Click here to download the policy
Quality Assurance / Quality Control
SL Engineers is strongly committed to sound advisory and engineering principles in its analyses, and the production of quality documents. This Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) policy is designed to maintain the consistency and accuracy of the documents and assessments produced by SL Engineers.
Click here to download the policy
Our vision is to strive to support a cleaner energy mix for a sustainable development across South-East Asia. Therefore, Sustainability is at the essence of SL Engineers practices. We focus on delivering sound advices to renewable energy projects which provide environmental, social and economic benefit to the community.
Click here to download the policy
SL Engineers is committed to strong corporate governance and promotes an open and transparent culture, where employees, service providers, clients and other stakeholders are provided an avenue to express concerns on any serious wrongdoing/malpractice in particular in relation to fraud, controls and ethics. This policy is our framework to deal diligently with concerns, protect the whistle-blower and our commitment to a fair investigation.
This policy is available all employees and to our business partners, service providers and clients on request. Please contact one of the directors.